Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations for Facility Usage

  1. The person or entity for which a rental/reservation is made is responsible for all action, activities and/or damage occurring during the facility rental/reservation. Buildings will only be opened for the renter or their authorized representative.
  2. Facilities may not be used for purposes other than those for which they were reserved. Rentals must occur within the time frame of 8AM -11 PM.
  3. The building attendant will open the building at the appointed time and will remain at the building until the renters arrive. If renters do not arrive within 30 minutes of the start of the rental time and have not contacted the building attendant; then the renter will not be provided a refund and the rental is considered cancelled.
  4. ALL tables, chairs, chair racks, table racks, furniture, interior amenities, etc., will NOT be allowed outside of the Annex.
  5. All trash, debris and waste shall be gathered and placed in outside containers provided. Floors should be swept and mopped and counters wiped down. Chairs and tables shall be returned to appropriate racks. Cleaning supplies for floors and trash bags are provided. Clean up of facility must be completed by end of the rental time. 
  6. Writing upon, marking or damaging park property is strictly prohibited.
  7. All decorating must be included in the rental time. Decorations may ONLY be attached to surfaces with masking tape. The renter, prior to the end of their scheduled rental time, must remove all decorations, masking tape from walls and any personal supplies or equipment. SRC is not responsible for any items left by the renter.
  8. Smoking is NOT allowed inside the Annex or on park property.  Beer and alcoholic beverages are NOT allowed on park property.  Lighted candles and/or incense are NOT allowed in the Annex. Vehicles ARE NOT allowed on sidewalks or grass surfaces. 
  9. Food may not be cooked in the Annex; only warmed. If food spills over onto stove top or in oven, it is the renter’s responsibility to ensure it is properly cleaned. If you don’t know – ask.
  10. Deposits will be refunded if the facility is cleaned within rental time and there is no damage to the building or park grounds. There will be a $30 charge on all returned checks.
  11. Inflatables, moon-bounces, etc. are NOT permitted in the Annex.
  12. SRC is not responsible for damage or loss of personal property of for injuries that may occur to renters or their attendees.

Failure to abide by these Rules and Regulations will result in forfeiture of the renter's deposit and may result in future rental privileges being suspended.